Jin Suk Park et. al. discovered a mechanism by which epithelial cells adjust glucose metabolism to extracellular matrix stiffness

Recently published work by Park, Burkhardt, Isogai, Minna, DeBerardinis and Danuser was featured as a Nature News and Views article on February 12, 2020 and as a Research Highlight in Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology on February 14, 2020. The Nature manuscript describes a mechanism through which cells modulate their energy consumption based on their surroundings. This mechanism further elucidates how cancer cells override those cues to maximize energy use. Their findings may point the way to potential new antitumour therapies. Read more at: 

Park, J.S., Burckhardt, C.J., Lazcano, R. et al. Mechanical regulation of glycolysis via cytoskeleton architecture. Nature 578, 621–626 (2020).

News and Views: Tension in tumour cells keeps metabolism high. Nature 578, 517-518 (12 February 2020).

Research Highlight: Stress fibres fuel glycolysis. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 21, 180 (2020).

UTSW Newsroom: How cancer cells stiff-arm normal environmental cues to consume energy. 13 February 2020. 


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