Danuser Lab takes the lead in launching an innovative metastasis imaging Center
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) at NIH funds innovative research directions in cancer biology. The Cellular Cancer Biology Imaging Research (CCBIR) is one such program that brings together diverse scientists from academic and clinical backgrounds to establish interdisciplinary Centers.

Mechanism for interpreting complex cell image features driving deep learning classifiers
Deep learning has emerged as the technique of choice for identifying subtle patterns in biomedical data sets, which are meaningful for the classification of the data content.

SH3BP4 - the link between adhesion and Akt signaling
Christoph Burckhardt describes his discovery of the mechanism by which SH3BP4 mediated in an Akt-dependent fashion endocytosis of α5-integrin and neuroplin-1.

Welf et al. discover the necessity of membrane-actin bond release for cell protrusion initiation
In a collaborative effort, Welf et al. discovered that separation of the cell membrane from an existing actin network is required to initiate the molecular events that lead to cell shape change.